Cara Membersihkan Kolam Kesayangan Anda
Cleaning out the pond sometimes become a burden for koi hobbies. Koi hobbies can’t depend their sanitation to pond filter.
Membersihkan kolam koi terkadang menjadi beban tersendiri bagi para hobiis. Para hobiis pun tidak bisa menggantungkan kebersihannya pada filter kolam koi semata.
Nah, we are going to show myth or fact how to clean the pond as follows:
Nah kami akan menampilkan mitos dan fakta mengenai cara-cara membersihkan kolam koi. Berikut beberapa mitos dan fakta tersebut :
Cleaning Out the pond with full drain whole water in the pond.
Cleaning Out the pond with full drain whole water in the pond.
Membersihkan kolam koi dengan cara menguras habis seluruh air kolam.
Cleaning Out with clean the filter, reducing and adding water pool as much 20%.
Cleaning Out with clean the filter, reducing and adding water pool as much 20%.
Membersihkan kolam koi cukup dengan membersihkan filter dan mengurangi dan menambahkan air kolam sebanyak 20% saja.
Koi pond that looks dirty are drained and cleaned directly.
Koi pond that looks dirty are drained and cleaned directly.
Kolam koi yang terlihat kotor langsung dikuras dan dibersihkan
Koi pond has a bioball filter which is become a home bacteria. This bacteria will helps you to keep your pond. So, if koi pond looks dirty too fast. Don’t drain previously. Let ur biology filter work. This applies to a new pond.
Koi pond has a bioball filter which is become a home bacteria. This bacteria will helps you to keep your pond. So, if koi pond looks dirty too fast. Don’t drain previously. Let ur biology filter work. This applies to a new pond.
Kolam koi memiliki filter bioball yang menjadi rumah bakteri. Bakteri tersebut akan membantu anda menjaga kebersihan kolam. Jadi bila kolam koi terlihat cepat kotor, jangan di kuras terlebih dahulu. Biarkan filter biologi anda bekerja. Hal ini juga berlaku pada kolam baru
Cotton, Zeolit, Bioball, active carbon must be drained in hot water while cleaning
Cotton, Zeolit, Bioball, active carbon must be drained in hot water while cleaning
Kapas, Zeolit, Bioball, Karbon Aktif harus di rendam di air panas saat pembersihan
Cotton, Zeolit, Bioball, active carbon only needs be sprayed until clean. Bioball only should washing residual mud/ No needs cleaning bioball too clean cause will losing good bacteria who make a nest.
Cotton, Zeolit, Bioball, active carbon only needs be sprayed until clean. Bioball only should washing residual mud/ No needs cleaning bioball too clean cause will losing good bacteria who make a nest.
Kapas, Zeolit dan Karbon Aktif hanya perlu di semprot saja hingga bersih. Bioball sebaiknya hanya mencuci sisa lumpur yang ada. Tidak perlu membersihkan Bioball terlalu bersih karena akan menghilangkan bakteri baik yang telah bersarang.
A big filter makes koi hobbies no need drain the pond forever
A big filter makes koi hobbies no need drain the pond forever
Filter yang besar membuat hobiis tidak perlu menguras kolam selamanya.
A big filter just makes duration to clean the pond become too long. However cleaning the pond manually still needed.
A big filter just makes duration to clean the pond become too long. However cleaning the pond manually still needed.
Filter yang besar hanya membuat durasi membersihkan kolam menjadi lebih lama. Namun pembersihan kolam secara manual masih perlu dilakukan.
So, There are the myth and fact from cleaning the pond. Tim KoikuAzka is ready for helping you to clean up ur dirty pond.
Demikian mitos dan fakta dari pembersihan kolam. Tim Ikanesia siap membantu anda membersihkan kolam anda yang kotor. anda bisa menghubungi kontak dibawah ini :
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